Reasoning - Analyzing Arguments

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Which of the following methods of argument is used in the previous passage?                        

A. a specific example that illustrates the speaker's point B. attacking the beliefs of those who disagree with the speaker
C. relying on an analogy to prove the speaker's point D. displaying statistics that back up the speaker's point


The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures. No search of a person's home or personal effects may be conducted without a written search warrant issued on probable cause. This means that a neutral judge must approve the factual basis justifying a search before it can be conducted.
This paragraph best supports the statement that the police cannot search a person's home or private papers unless they have                        

A. legal authorization B. direct evidence of a crime.
C. read the person his or her constitutional rights. D. a reasonable belief that a crime has occurred.


Which of the following, if true, would weaken the speaker's argument?                        

A. a demonstration that computers can be used to teach reading and arithmetic B. analysis of the cost-effectiveness of new computers versus repairing old computers
C. examples of adults who do not know how to use computers D. recent grade reports of students in the computer classes


Obesity is a serious problem in this country. Research suggests that obesity can lead to a number of health problems including diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. Recent research has even indicated that there may be a relationship between obesity and some types of cancer. Major public health campaigns that increase awareness and propose simple lifestyle changes that will, with diligence and desire, eliminate or least mitigate the incidence of obesity are a crucial first step in battling this critical problem.
This paragraph best supports the statement that                        

A. public health campaigns that raise consciousness and propose lifestyle changes are a productive way to fight obesity. B. obesity is the leading cause of diabetes in our country.
C. people in our country watch too much television and do not exercise enough. D. a decline in obesity would radically decrease the incidence of asthma.


Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the speaker's argument?                        

A. studies showing computers are expensive B. research on the effect of computer games on children
C. examples of high school students who use computers improperly D. evidence that using computers makes learning to read difficult


Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant
This paragraph best supports the statement that                        

A. critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential process B. the best critical reading happens at critical times in a person's life.
C. readers should get in the habit of questioning the truth of what they read. D. critical reading requires thoughtful and careful attention.

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