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A function that returns no values to the program that calls it is _____                        

A. not allowed in C++ B. type void
C. type empty D. type barren


A function that returns no values to the program that calls it is _____                        

A. not allowed in C++ B. type void
C. type empty D. type barren


The function call below is designed to return, in variable result, the product of x and y. All the variables are of type int. What is the correct prototype for such a function?
myFunction(&result, &x, &y);                        

A. void myFunction(int, int, int) ; B. void myFunction(int *, int *, int *) ;
C. void myFunction(const int *, const int *, const int *) ; D. void myFunction(int *, const int *, const int *) ;


The function call below is designed to return, in variable result, the product of x and y. All the variables are of type int. What is the correct prototype for such a function?
myFunction(result, x, y);                        

A. void myFunction(int &, int, int) ; B. void myFunction(int, int, int) ;
C. void myFunction(const int *, const int, const int) ; D. void myFunction(int *, const int *, const int *) ;


Identify the correct prototype for a function that receives an array of doubles, computes the sum of all the elements of the array, and returns the sum to the calling function.                        

A. void computeSum(double array[], int size, double * sum); B. void computeSum(double array[], int size, double & sum);
C. double computeSum(double array[], int size); D. All of the Above


Every function in C++ are followed by                        

A. Parameters B. Parenthesis
C. Curly braces D. None of these






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