C Language - Storage Classes

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Longevity of a variable refers to

A. the duration for which the variable retains a given value during the execution of a program B. the portion of a program in which the variable may be visible.
C. internal linkage of a variable D. external linkage of a variable.


scope of a variabe the refers to

A. the duration for which the variable retains a given value during the execution of a program B. the portion of a program in which the variable may be visible.
C. the value of the variable D. linkage of a variable.


A variable with external linkage refers to

A. the duration for which the variable retains a given value during the execution of a program B. the same value for every occurence of that variable in a particular file.
C. the same value in every source file where source program spans over multiple files. D. block scope.


A variable with internal linkage refers to

A. the duration for which the variable retains a given value during the execution of a program. B. the same value for every occurence of that variable in a particular file.
C. the same value in every source file where source program spans over multiple files D. block scope.


A variable with no linkage refers to

A. the duration for which the variable retains a given value during the execution of a program. B. the same value for every occurence of that variable in a particular file.
C. the same value in every source file where source program spans over multiple files. D. block scope.


The automatic storage class has

A. temporary storage B. block scope
C. persistent storage D. options a and b

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