Aptitude - Arithmetical Ability

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Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?                        

A. 2:03:04 B. 6:07:08
C. 6:08:09 D. None of these


In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water 2 : 1. If the this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then the quanity of water to be further added is:                        

A. 20 litres B. 30 litres
C. 40 litres D. 60 litres


If 76 is divided into four parts proportional to 7, 5, 3, 4, then the smallest part is:                        

A. 12 B. 15
C. 16 D. 19


Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is Sumit's salary?                        

A. Rs. 17,000 B. Rs. 20,000
C. Rs. 25,500 D. Rs. 38,000


Divide Rs. 580 between A and B in the ratio of 14:15.                         

A. Rs. 300 B. Rs. 400
C. Rs. 500 D. Rs. 600


If 0.75 : x :: 5 : 8, then x is equal to:                        

A. 1.12 B. 1.2
C. 1.25 D. 1.3

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