Aptitude - Arithmetical Ability

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A and B together have Rs. 1210. If 2/15 of A's amount is equal to 2/5 of B's amount, how much amount does B have?                        

A. Rs. 460 B. Rs. 484
C. Rs. 550 D. Rs. 664


A mixture contains alcohol and water in the ratio 4:3. If 5 liters of water is added to the mixture, the ratio becomes 4:5. Find the quantity of alcohol in the given mixture.                        

A. 08 Liters B. 10 Liters
C. 18 Liters D. 22 Liters


Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:                        

A. 2:05 B. 3:05
C. 4:05 D. 6:07


If 0.75: x :: 5:8, then x is equal to:                        

A. 1.12 B. 1.16
C. 1.2 D. 1.3


A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B's share?                        

A. Rs. 500 B. Rs. 1500
C. Rs. 2000 D. None of these


If Rs. 782 be divided into three parts, proportional to 1/2:2/3:3/4, then the first part is?                        

A. Rs. 182 B. Rs. 190
C. Rs. 196 D. Rs. 204





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